
DAR is the native token of the DAR Open Network on its first party games, powering the entire system and each game's individual game economy.

Alongside DAR, DAR Open Network also utilizes a global off-chain currency for the entire Multiverse and internal projects: Moon Coins (MC), a semi-soft or hybrid currency.

Moon Coins are designed to occupy a middle ground between a traditional hard currency and f2p soft currency, acting as a hybrid currency that is particularly suited for a blockchain-based multiverse. They act as a bridge for players engaging within Dalarnia Nexus and all other DAR Open Network projects including external projects.

Internal projects are mandated to incorporate Moon Coins into their economic designs, alongside a potential additional Hard Currency, and are permitted to issue as many Soft Currencies as needed. Hard and Soft Currencies can only be acquired with DAR at a rate set by each project. External projects are encouraged to adopt Moon Coins to attract and retain existing Dalarnia Multiverse players.

This framework is designed to ensure that proper revenue streams are accessible to both internal and external projects while minimizing the complexity of the economic system. Given that Moon Coins can be obtained at varying prices and even earned for free (see Moon Coins), they cannot function as reliable revenue streams or paywalls within games.

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