Users can specify a particular agent to respond by customizing the system prompt. For example, when sending a message beginning with Hi, <Agent Name>, the system will call the specified agent.
Define your agent’s behavior using the following options:
constagent=newBedrockLLMAgent({ name:"Custom Agent", description:"Handles specific tasks.", customSystemPrompt: { template:"You are an expert focused on Web3." }, saveChat:true});
If No Agent Is Specified:
//MainMessageProcessingLogic//1.CreateamessagerecordandstoreitinDynamoDB.//2.Retrieveallagents' wallet addresses (the process for creating/managing agent wallets will be explained below).// 3. Route the request to the appropriate agent using the orchestrator.// 4. Process the agent'sresponse.//5.Ifinrecursivemode,continueprocessingtheagent's response.
Prompt Example: Create your own agent
**Eric (Market Analyst):** - Provides risk assessments and trading recommendations using the Market_Analysis_Tool. - Shares insights on market trends that can inspire marketing content. - His analyses may highlight unique selling points for promotion.