Dalarnia Marketplace

All sales under the Dalarnia Marketplace will be listed in DAR, even for projects that have their own project token, and thus all fees are collected in DAR.

Protocol fees

A protocol fee named “Marketplace fee” will be collected over all sales made inside the Dalarnia Marketplace.

Project fees

Projects can collect a project fee on all sales of their own assets named “Secondary Sales fee”. The fee needs to be reviewed and agreed by DON’s management before the project is onboarded. To change the Secondary Sales fee, the project needs to detail the reasons for the change. Secondary Sales fees can never be higher than 10% of the total sale.

Royalty fees

For all NFT collections with defined royalty fees, the marketplace will guarantee its charge with the value at the sale’s day. An upper limit of 10% is hardcoded in the Marketplace contract meaning that any Royalty fee higher than this value will be reduced to this upper limit. This is a security measure to protect our sellers from external, hacked or rogue projects. All projects under Dalarnia Multiverse are pledged to inform DON’s management anytime they change the Royalty fees of any NFT collection.

Last updated