Staking Pools

The DAR Open Network Staking Protocol is comprised of two Staking Pools:

  • DAR Staking Pool: that allow users to lock DAR to receive DAR Yield

  • LAND Staking Pool: that allow landowners to stake Mines of Dalarnia Land plots to receive DAR Yield

DAR Staking Pool

The DAR Staking Pool is designed for players who wish to have the flexibility in choosing the amount of DAR to stake and the duration of the lock-in period. Each stake receives a Weight that indicates the percentage of the total pool reward it owns during its staking time.

LAND Staking Pool

The LAND Staking Pool allows landowners to lock their LAND for a certain period, receiving a passive DAR reward during that time. It’s helpful for landowners that don’t have the time to manage their LAND, or for periods of less demand inside Mines of Dalarnia. Each LAND tier is taken into account in the LAND stake weight, with each tier returning more Yield than the next one.

Rewards for the Staking Pools

A separated reward pool will be filled each year for the DAR Staking Pool and the LAND staking pool.

Weighting formula for the Staking pools

Both the DAR Staking Pool and LAND Staking Pool employ the same Weighting system designed to assign a unique weight to each stake based on the amount of DAR staked (for the DAR Staking Pool), or the LAND tier (for the LAND Staking Pool) and the duration of the lock-in period. This system provides flexibility and fairness, ensuring that:

  • Every stake contributes equally to the overall system, regardless of its size/tier or duration.

  • Players can make multiple stakes with varying amounts/lands and lock-in times.

  • The system can easily adjust a player's total weight when any stake is withdrawn.

  • Each stake, considering its weight, will return a fair Yield for the staker taking only into account the total amount of DAR staked in the pool.

The weighting formula is given by Weight = (((T * WM / MSP) + BW ) * A) / WF, where:

  • T represents the locked period in seconds.

  • A represents the value staked in DAR multiplied by 1000000 (for DAR Staking Pool) or the inverse of LAND tier (for LAND Staking Pool). The inverse of LAND tier is given by “6 - LAND TIER”.

  • MSP is the Max Stake Period = 365 days.

  • WM is the Weight Multiplier, BW is the Base Weight, and WF the Weight Factor. These adjustable variables are based on system requirements and objectives, and it's value can be checked on the Staking Contract.

This Weighting system offers a dynamic and scalable approach to staking, avoiding the limitations of fixed tiers and allowing for a flexible framework that can evolve with the needs of the Multiverse ecosystem.

Last updated