General Fee Structure

Three types of fees are allowed to be collected inside DON’s ecosystem:

  • Protocol fees: fees collected from players and projects by DON’s ecosystem, designed to support the operational and developmental needs of the multiverse. These fees are collected into one of DON’s tax wallets.

  • Project fees: fees collected from players by specific ecosystem projects, designed as revenue streams for that project. These fees are collected into that project’s tax wallet.

  • Royalty fees: these are fees associated with NFT collections, where the NFT creator can receive a cut of the NFT sale. They are collected directly into the NFT creator’s wallet. Royalty fees are not set by DON’s ecosystem nor in any of our contracts, but coded directly into the project NFT collection contract. DON’s ecosystem merely undertakes to charge royalties if specified by projects.

The above fees are accepted within the DON ecosystem and it is up to the projects to specify to what degree those are implemented within their economic design.

Last updated