Dalarnia Nexus

Dalarnia Nexus is every players and community members' entry point into the ever expanding DAR platform creating a sense of community, belonging and ownership that is based upon the players engagement in all existing DAR platform games and experiences.

It is also a framework for all DAR platform games to increase engagement within their community by utilizing Dalarnia Nexus features in meaningful ways.

Dalarnia Nexus Features

Asset Interoperability

Interoperability of game assets (commodities and NFTs) is a key component of Dalarnia Nexus. While ultimately such interoperability should be possible between individual games, utilizing it within a central hub experience will add value to those assets and the experience and will be mandatory for each game that is fully integrated with DAR Open Network.

Progression System

Players will progress within Dalarnia Nexus based on fulfilling Dalarnia Quests and engaging with the individual games within the Dalarnia Multiverse. By doing so will they not only experience multiple games but also unlock features and content for Dalarnia Nexus. The Dalarnia Nexus progression is tied to a player's Dalarnia ID and can furthermore unlock additional features outside of Dalarnia Nexus.

An autonomous, community driven world

Dalarnia Nexus aims at being a truly community owned virtual space. From voting on new game entries to permissionless UGC, players and creators will shape the platform's future.

AI Agents

With upcoming updates, Dalarnia Nexus will turn into a universe inhabited by AI agents each with their own objective, ambitions and needs. Players can interact with those NPCs in all kinds of manners, from simply observing to engaging by fulfilling quests or trading.

Dalarnia Nexus Modules


Upon creating a Dalarnia ID, players are granted a piece of virtual land on which they can construct their so-called Base, with the complexity and size of the base evolving alongside their Dalarnia ID level. This system allows for personalization through a variety of construction elements like ground tiles, walls, and more, which can be free, level-locked, crafted, or bought. The aim is to provide a flexible and immersive environment where players' creativity can flourish, making each BASE a unique reflection of its creator.

Base Decoration

Base Decoration within the DAR Open Network's Dalarnia Nexus represents a pivotal aspect of NFT and asset interoperability, introducing a dynamic layer of content creation to player spaces. Initially launching with a curated selection of decoration elements—including wall decorations, placeable objects, furniture, and floor decorations—this feature is set to expand, enriching the personalization experience over time. Special attention is given to integrating NFTs from games like Mines of Dalarnia or Dalarnia Legends as unique decorations, requiring asset adaptation to fit the Dalarnia Nexus aesthetic and the introduction of a Museum Mode for deeper asset engagement. This blending of art and utility underscores the platform's commitment to evolving user experiences and NFT utility.

In addition to NFT interoperability, Base decoration will also include a crafting feature for unique objects which will utilize Mines of Dalarnia Resources at launch.

Base Decay

The Dalarnia Nexus introduces a novel Base Decay mechanic to enhance player engagement and retention by incorporating a maintenance aspect into the gameplay. This feature ensures players' Bases become subject to wear over time, whether from the natural passage of time or unique events like intergalactic storms, necessitating regular upkeep. However, it's designed to be non-punitive, safeguarding the NFTs used within the Dalarnia Nexus, thus adding depth to the game without jeopardizing players' assets and their utility within the games of origin.

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